And the theme for my 2026 wildlife calendar is...

And the theme for my 2026 wildlife calendar is...

"Feathered Friends"! Yup, I'll be painting birds, birds, birds this year, and twelve of these artworks (both old and new) will feature in next year's calendar.

I am indescribably excited about this theme! I adooooore painting birds. In fact, I think it is my all-time favourite subject to paint and has been since I was a child! Just look at the Cape Robin-chat that I painted when I was nine down below (I have a whole collection of my childhood paintings -- go check them out in this blog post). That ugly sun above the bird's back still makes me pull a face in disgust! I was so incredibly proud of my masterpiece, and then I accidentally made a big smudge that then had to be disguised. The sun was not the best choice...!

child's drawing of cape robin-chat
I digress... Birds!

So -- I already have a loooong Wish List of birds that I would LOVE to paint... But, I'd also love to hear what you would like me to paint. Perhaps you'd love to invest in owning one of my bespoke watercolour originals or a fabulous fine art print, or maybe you're an avid birder and simply have a favourite that you'd like to see me bring it to life. Of course, I won't be able to get to everything on our Wish List... But you never know!

Please contact me to share what's on YOUR Wish List!

PS. I'm kicking off with a White-bellied Sunbird, captured (and shared with permission) by an award-winning photographer! I'm soooooo exciteddddd!!! But more on that next month!

PPS. The Cape Robin-chat (my adult-version above!) will be featured in the calendar! How can I not include South Africa's favourite garden bird, right?! This painting - an oldie but a goldie - was created using a reference image captured by Brian Culver.

See my "grown-up" work in my online shop here:

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